Sunday, May 12, 2013

(4/9) 3D map

This 3D aerial view of Mucklenberg county, North Carolina, allows the user to turn on and off different features. The primary use for the map pertains to the utilization of flood data from local waterways and river systems

(3/26) Changing... well just about every map characteristic!

This map is by far the most interesting map I've toyed with all semester. If I had to pit any of the maps I've found this semester against the most interesting maps posted by other students, I'd pick this one. This interactive map found on National Geographic's website allows the user to do just about everything. You can pan, zoom in and out, Toggle between different classes of imagery and themes, view sea surface temperatures, view physical land and water systems, etc. The laundry list of variables covered is pretty long when it comes to this map. This map also allows the user to create shapefiles, take measurements, draw on the map, and place location markers. My favorite attribute was being able to look at chlorophyll blooms at the global level during the summer time. ------

(4/16) Final Map Post

This map details the extent of every ruling empire or dynasty throughout Europe, Africa, and Asia from the year 3000 BC to the current era. What strikes me as interesting about this map is the amount of data contained within the map, and the extent of time covered within this animation. The map even comes complete with rollover effects for every kingdom, dynasty, and empire that show up throughout the course of time on the map. ------------------------

(3/19) Splash screen map

This interactive map displays how climate change affects human population throughout the world. Within this map the user can select up to two variables that produce a map illustrating these variables effects on the human population. Furthermore, the user can select whether or not he/she wants to view it at the global scale, or at a region/continental scale. The splash screen gives some brief information on how population is affected by climate change, allows the user to take a tour on how to use the interactive map, and list various country profiles. -------

(2/26) Motion Tween Map

This animated map involves events that took place during World War II. While the first portion of the map has both motion tweens and shape tweens, the later portions solely involve the use of motion tweens. The battle for Greece within this map shows the Italian and Greek forces similarly in the same way we chose to show the Germans Army units in our labs five, six, and seven. There is a timeline complete with stop, play, forward, and backwards buttons that allows the user to view the battle for both Greece and Crete in chronological order. ------------------

(3/6) Shape Tween Map

I found this map displaying the bloodiest battle of the civil war. This map showing the battle of Antietam is a very well crafted animation. As opposed to having a simple interactive map with buttons showcasing the movement of different activity, this map is an actual movie animation that the viewer can pause, stop, and view in high definition. The shape tweens are done very well, with shape tweens affecting the arrows, flags, shadows, and explosions on the map.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lab 10!

Banda_Aceh.swf Download this file

Without any further ado, I present to you lab 10!




After getting a quick introduction to sketchup, I wanted to incorporate something with arches and circles. Behold my 'geomathing' It's about as useful as a paper weight, but given it's relative size it could definitely be a piece of artwork found outside a modern art museum. I started off wanting to make either a jungle jim or a 3D maze with arches. That got extremely difficult given my lack of experience with sketchup. 

Part B to lab 9

Lab 8!

Had some initial problems with the second part of lab eight but I was eventually able to work through the kinks and get it to work

lab8_Caribbean.swf Download this file


RECOVER_8_digitalcameraNew.swf Download this file

Project Proposal

color_caribbean.swf Download this file

It's Vacation time.... again! Although spring break has recently just ended I'd like to create a map of the locations I have visited in the Caribbean. I was tore in between this and a few other ideas I had, but since I have pictures from previous vacations, I thought this would be a pretty good project to undertake. I've already played with flash a little bit and have created some basic components of my scene. I've visited Miami, The Bahamas, Cozumel, and Aruba.

I'd like to have a graphic of a plane flying around the map and have it "fly" from location to location as the user interacts with the map. I'd also like the user to be able to click on these four separate caribbean locations and have new scenes pop up with map representations of these locations and points within these maps filled with photos I've taken of places I've visited. I was even thinking of incorporating splash screens of these vacation hot spots highlighting some of their most famous attractions and maybe a brief history overview of their tourism and/or country history.

Lab 7

Splash screens are pretty cool! I went with just adding another scene. 

Lab 6!

This lab was a breeze!... After prof. Hallden helped me figure out what my problems with lab 5 were

Lab 5... finally!

Finally have it all figured out in flash! For some reason the actions wouldn't play when I converted my buttons from the common library to button symbols... strange...

Lab5Final(ButtonProblems).swf Download this file

(2/19) Interactive Map of Panda Population

This map of displays the extent of the Giant Panda habitat in China. It allows you to turn many features such as info, current habitat, and the basemap on or off.



Steelers Road to the Superbowl with Timeline!

Lab2_pitt_updatedwith_script.swf Download this file

Steelers Road to the Superbowl!

Lab2_pitt_updatedwith_script.swf Download this file

Lab2_pitt_updatedwith_script.swf Download this file

Presidential Elections Map

USA_cs5_No_Fill.swf Download this file

Presidential Elections Map

USA_cs5_No_Fill.swf Download this file

(2/12) Interactive Lion Population Map With Timeline



For this weeks blog post I decided to find an interactive population map regarding the declining population of lions (rather than find another standard dot density map detailing human population). This map is courtesy of National Geographic.The map is complete with a sliding bar as the timeline that you can move or simply play. The map also displays the declining count of total lions worldwide as time progress further into the present day. Along with these features, you can also click on photos that are embedded in the map that give you further details abou the waning lion population.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

(2/5) Interactive Map of World War 2

This map of Europe illustrates the advancements and major campaigns that were underway in Europe during the Second World War. The map is an interactive one complete with "next" and "previous" buttons that show the state of Europe on a yearly basis through out World War 2. The map can be found at this website.